
Friday, October 25, 2013

Loopsy Daisy turns 2!

Loopsy Daisy turns 2 today!
Two short years ago, I decided to open up a page on Facebook: Loopsy Daisy.  I think the very first status went something like this:  I don't know how long I'll keep this page up, but thanks for being here for the time being!   I had no idea where my little crocheting hobby would take me.  2 years later, here I am, still bombing your FB feed with these little sweet niblets!
Whether you're a new fan, an old friend, or somehow go to my page by mistake, I really appreciate you being here!

Now WHO wants to win this **Exclusive** Fireman Set!?!
Again, Thank You!  And let's celebrate!!!
WINNER: Ashley Marchand            
a Rafflecopter giveaway